module documentation

CMA-ES (evolution strategy), the main sub-module of cma implementing in particular CMAEvolutionStrategy, fmin2 and further fmin_* functions.

Class CMAEvolutionStrategy CMA-ES stochastic optimizer class with ask-and-tell interface.
Class CMAEvolutionStrategyResult A results tuple from CMAEvolutionStrategy property result.
Exception InjectionWarning Injected solutions are not passed to tell as expected
Function fmin functional interface to the stochastic optimizer CMA-ES for non-convex function minimization.
Function fmin2 wrapper around cma.fmin returning the tuple (xbest, es),
Function fmin_con Deprecated: use cma.ConstrainedFitnessAL or cma.fmin_con2 instead.
Function fmin_con2 optimize f with inequality constraints g.
Function fmin_lq_surr minimize objective_function with lq-CMA-ES.
Function fmin_lq_surr2 minimize objective_function with lq-CMA-ES.
Function no_constraints Undocumented
Variable all_stoppings Undocumented
Variable use_archives speed up for very large population size. use_archives prevents the need for an inverse gp-transformation, relies on collections module, not sure what happens if set to False.
Class _CMAEvolutionStrategyResult A results tuple from CMAEvolutionStrategy property result.
Class _CMASolutionDict_empty a hack to get most code examples running
Class _CMASolutionDict_functional No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 1/2 method documented
Class _CMAStopDict keep and update a termination condition dictionary.
Class _StopTolXStagnation Provide a termination signal depending on how much a vector has changed,
Function _al_set_logging try to figure a good logging value from various verbosity options
Function _callable_to_list A callable is wrapped and None defaults to the empty list.
Function _pass a callable that does nothing and return args[0] in case
Variable _assertions_cubic Undocumented
Variable _assertions_quadratic Undocumented
Variable _CMASolutionDict Undocumented
Variable _debugging Undocumented
Variable _depreciated Undocumented
Variable _new_injections Undocumented
def fmin(objective_function, x0, sigma0, options=None, args=(), gradf=None, restarts=0, restart_from_best='False', incpopsize=2, eval_initial_x=False, parallel_objective=None, noise_handler=None, noise_change_sigma_exponent=1, noise_kappa_exponent=0, bipop=False, callback=None, init_callback=None):

functional interface to the stochastic optimizer CMA-ES for non-convex function minimization.

fmin2 provides the cleaner return values.

Calling Sequences

fmin(objective_function, x0, sigma0)
minimizes objective_function starting at x0 and with standard deviation sigma0 (step-size)
fmin(objective_function, x0, sigma0, options={'ftarget': 1e-5})
minimizes objective_function up to target function value 1e-5, which is typically useful for benchmarking.
fmin(objective_function, x0, sigma0, args=('f',))
minimizes objective_function called with an additional argument 'f'.
fmin(objective_function, x0, sigma0, options={'ftarget':1e-5, 'popsize':40})
uses additional options ftarget and popsize
fmin(objective_function, esobj, None, options={'maxfevals': 1e5})
uses the CMAEvolutionStrategy object instance esobj to optimize objective_function, similar to esobj.optimize().


called as objective_function(x, *args) to be minimized. x is a one-dimensional numpy.ndarray. See also the parallel_objective argument. objective_function can return numpy.NaN, which is interpreted as outright rejection of solution x and invokes an immediate resampling and (re-)evaluation of a new solution not counting as function evaluation. The attribute variable_annotations is passed into the CMADataLogger.persistent_communication_dict.
list or numpy.ndarray, initial guess of minimum solution before the application of the geno-phenotype transformation according to the transformation option. It can also be a callable that is called (without input argument) before each restart to yield the initial guess such that each restart may start from a different place. Otherwise, x0 can also be a cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy object instance, in that case sigma0 can be None.
scalar, initial standard deviation in each coordinate. sigma0 should be about 1/4th of the search domain width (where the optimum is to be expected). The variables in objective_function should be scaled such that they presumably have similar sensitivity. See also ScaleCoordinates.
a dictionary with additional options passed to the constructor of class CMAEvolutionStrategy, see cma.CMAOptions () for a list of available options.
arguments to be used to call the objective_function
gradient of f, where len(gradf(x, *args)) == len(x). gradf is called once in each iteration if gradf is not None.
number of restarts with increasing population size, see also parameter incpopsize. For the time being (this may change in future) restarts can also be a dict where the keys maxrestarts=9 and maxfevals=np.inf are interpreted. An empty dict is interpreted as restarts=0. An IPOP-CMA-ES restart is invoked if restarts > 0 or restarts['maxrestarts'] > 0 and if current_evals < min((restarts['maxfevals'], options['maxfevals'])) and neither the 'ftarget' nor the termination_callback option was triggered; restarts['maxfevals'] does not terminate during the run or restart; to restart from different points (recommended), pass x0 as a callable; see also parameter bipop.
which point to restart from
multiplier for increasing the population size popsize before each restart
an objective function that accepts a list of numpy.ndarray as input and returns a list, which is mostly used instead of objective_function, but for the initial (also initial elitist) and the final evaluations unless not callable(objective_function). If parallel_objective is given, the objective_function (first argument) may be None.
evaluate initial solution, for None only with elitist option
must be True or a cma.NoiseHandler class or instance to invoke noise handling. The latter gives control over the specific settings for the noise handling, see help(cma.NoiseHandler).
exponent for the sigma increment provided by the noise handler for additional noise treatment. 0 means no sigma change.
instead of applying reevaluations, the "number of evaluations" is (ab)used as scaling factor kappa (experimental).
if bool(bipop) is True, run as BIPOP-CMA-ES; BIPOP is a special restart strategy switching between two population sizings - small (relative to the large population size and with varying initial sigma, the first run is accounted on the "small" budget) and large (progressively increased as in IPOP). This makes the algorithm potentially solve both, functions with many regularly or irregularly arranged local optima (the latter by frequently restarting with small populations). Small populations are (re-)started as long as the cumulated budget_small is smaller than bipop x max(1, budget_large). For the bipop parameter to actually conduct restarts also with the larger population size, select a non-zero number of (IPOP) restarts; the recommended setting is restarts <= 9 and x0 passed as a callable that generates randomized initial solutions. Small-population restarts do not count into the total restart count.
callable or list of callables called at the end of each iteration with the current CMAEvolutionStrategy instance as argument.
callable or list of callables called at the end of initialization of the CMAEvolutionStrategy instance with this instance as argument (like callback). This allows to reassign attributes without a corresponding CMAOption. For example, es.integer_centering = lambda *args: None disables integer centering (which is enabled by default when integer_variables are given in the options) or es.integer_centering = cma.integer_centering.IntCentering(es, correct_bias=False) disables its bias correction.

Optional Arguments

All values in the options dictionary are evaluated if they are of type str, besides verb_filenameprefix, see class CMAOptions for details. The full list is available by calling cma.CMAOptions().

>>> import cma
>>> cma.CMAOptions()  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

Subsets of options can be displayed, for example like cma.CMAOptions('tol'), or cma.CMAOptions('bound'), see also class CMAOptions.


Return the list provided in CMAEvolutionStrategy.result appended with termination conditions, an OOOptimizer and a BaseDataLogger:

res = es.result + (es.stop(), es, logger)
  • res[0] (xopt) -- best evaluated solution
  • res[1] (fopt) -- respective function value
  • res[2] (evalsopt) -- respective number of function evaluations
  • res[3] (evals) -- number of overall conducted objective function evaluations
  • res[4] (iterations) -- number of overall conducted iterations
  • res[5] (xmean) -- mean of the final sample distribution
  • res[6] (stds) -- effective stds of the final sample distribution
  • res[-3] (stop) -- termination condition(s) in a dictionary
  • res[-2] (cmaes) -- class CMAEvolutionStrategy instance
  • res[-1] (logger) -- class CMADataLogger instance


This function is an interface to the class CMAEvolutionStrategy. The latter class should be used when full control over the iteration loop of the optimizer is desired.


The following example calls fmin optimizing the Rosenbrock function in 10-D with initial solution 0.1 and initial step-size 0.5. The options are specified for the usage with the doctest module.

>>> import cma
>>> # cma.CMAOptions()  # returns all possible options
>>> options = {'CMA_diagonal':100, 'seed':1234, 'verb_time':0}
>>> res = cma.fmin(cma.ff.rosen, [0.1] * 10, 0.3, options)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(5_w,10)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=3.2,w_1=45%) in dimension 10 (seed=1234...)
   Covariance matrix is diagonal for 100 iterations (1/ccov=26...
Iterat #Fevals   function value  axis ratio  sigma ...
    1     10 ...
termination on tolfun=1e-11 ...
final/bestever f-value = ...
>>> assert res[1] < 1e-12  # f-value of best found solution
>>> assert res[2] < 8000  # evaluations

The above call is pretty much equivalent with the slightly more verbose call:

res = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy([0.1] * 10, 0.3,

where optimize returns a CMAEvolutionStrategy instance. The following example calls fmin optimizing the Rastrigin function in 3-D with random initial solution in [-2,2], initial step-size 0.5 and the BIPOP restart strategy (that progressively increases population). The options are specified for the usage with the doctest module.

>>> import cma
>>> # cma.CMAOptions()  # returns all possible options
>>> options = {'seed':12345, 'verb_time':0, 'ftarget': 1e-8}
>>> res = cma.fmin(cma.ff.rastrigin, lambda : 2. * np.random.rand(3) - 1, 0.5,
...                options, restarts=9, bipop=True)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(3_w,7)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=2.3,w_1=58%) in dimension 3 (seed=12345...

In either case, the method:


(based on matplotlib.pyplot) produces a plot of the run and, if necessary:


shows the plot in a window. Finally:

cma.s.figsave('myfirstrun')  # figsave from matplotlib.pyplot

will save the figure in a png.

We can use the gradient like

>>> import cma
>>> res = cma.fmin(cma.ff.rosen, np.zeros(10), 0.1,
...             options = {'ftarget':1e-8,},
...             gradf=cma.ff.grad_rosen,
...         )  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> assert cma.ff.rosen(res[0]) < 1e-8
>>> assert res[2] < 3600  # 1% are > 3300
>>> assert res[3] < 3600  # 1% are > 3300

If solution can only be comparatively ranked, either use CMAEvolutionStrategy directly or the objective accepts a list of solutions as input:

>>> def parallel_sphere(X): return [cma.ff.sphere(x) for x in X]
>>> x, es = cma.fmin2(None, 3 * [0], 0.1, {'verbose': -9},
...                   parallel_objective=parallel_sphere)
>>> assert es.result[1] < 1e-9
See Also
CMAEvolutionStrategy, OOOptimizer.optimize, plot, CMAOptions, scipy.optimize.fmin
def fmin2(objective_function, x0, sigma0, options=None, args=(), gradf=None, restarts=0, restart_from_best='False', incpopsize=2, eval_initial_x=False, parallel_objective=None, noise_handler=None, noise_change_sigma_exponent=1, noise_kappa_exponent=0, bipop=False, callback=None, init_callback=None):

wrapper around cma.fmin returning the tuple (xbest, es),

and with the same in input arguments as fmin. Hence a typical calling pattern may be:

x, es = cma.fmin2(...)  # recommended pattern
es = cma.fmin2(...)[1]  # `es` contains all available information
x = cma.fmin2(...)[0]   # keep only the best evaluated solution

fmin2 is an alias for:

res = fmin(...)
return res[0], res[-2]

fmin from fmin2 is:

es = fmin2(...)[1]  # fmin2(...)[0] is es.result[0]
return es.result + (es.stop(), es, es.logger)

The best found solution is equally available under:


The incumbent, current estimate for the optimum is available under:

def fmin_con(objective_function, x0, sigma0, g=no_constraints, h=no_constraints, post_optimization=False, archiving=True, **kwargs):

Deprecated: use cma.ConstrainedFitnessAL or cma.fmin_con2 instead.

Optimize f with constraints g (inequalities) and h (equalities).

Construct an Augmented Lagrangian instance f_aug_lag of the type cma.constraints_handler.AugmentedLagrangian from objective_function and g and h.

Equality constraints should preferably be passed as two inequality constraints like [h - eps, -h - eps], with eps >= 0. When eps > 0, also feasible solution tracking can succeed.

Return a tuple es.results.xfavorite:numpy.array, es:CMAEvolutionStrategy, where es == cma.fmin2(f_aug_lag, x0, sigma0, **kwargs)[1].

Depending on kwargs['logging'] and on the verbosity settings in kwargs['options'], the AugmentedLagrangian writes (hidden) logging files.

The second return value:CMAEvolutionStrategy has an (additional) attribute best_feasible which contains the information about the best feasible solution in the dictionary, given any feasible solution was found. This only works with inequality constraints (equality constraints are wrongly interpreted as inequality constraints).

If post_optimization is set to True, then the attribute best_feasible of the second return value will be updated with the best feasible solution obtained by optimizing the sum of the positive constraints squared starting from the point es.results.xfavorite. Additionally, the first return value will be the best feasible solution obtained in post-optimization.

In case when equality constraints are present and a "feasible" solution is requested, then post_optimization must be a strictly positive float indicating the error on the inequality constraints.

The second return value:CMAEvolutionStrategy has also a con_archives attribute which is nonempty if archiving. The last element of each archive is the best feasible solution if there was any.

See cma.fmin for further parameters **kwargs.

>>> import cma
>>> x, es = cma.evolution_strategy.fmin_con(
...             cma.ff.sphere, 3 * [0], 1, g=lambda x: [1 - x[0]**2, -(1 - x[0]**2) - 1e-6],
...             options={'termination_callback': lambda es: -1e-5 < sum(es.mean**2) - 1 < 1e-5,
...                      'verbose':-9})
>>> assert 'callback' in es.stop()
>>> assert es.result.evaluations < 1500  # 10%-ish above 1000, 1%-ish above 1300
>>> assert (sum(es.mean**2) - 1)**2 < 1e-9, es.mean
>>> x, es = cma.evolution_strategy.fmin_con(
...             cma.ff.sphere, 2 * [0], 1, g=lambda x: [1 - x[0]**2],
...             options={'termination_callback': lambda es: -1e-8 < sum(es.mean**2) - 1 < 1e-8,
...                      'seed':1, 'verbose':-9})
>>> assert es.best_feasible.f < 1 + 1e-5, es.best_feasible.f
>>> ".info attribute dictionary keys: {0}".format(sorted(
".info attribute dictionary keys: ['f', 'g', 'g_al', 'x']"

Details: this is a versatile function subject to changes. It is possible to access the AugmentedLagrangian instance like

>>> al = es.augmented_lagrangian
>>> isinstance(al, cma.constraints_handler.AugmentedLagrangian)
>>> # al.logger.plot()  # plots the evolution of AL coefficients
>>> x, es = cma.evolution_strategy.fmin_con(
...             cma.ff.sphere, 2 * [0], 1, g=lambda x: [y+1 for y in x],
...             post_optimization=True, options={"verbose": -9})
>>> assert all(y <= -1 for y in x)  # assert feasibility of x
def fmin_con2(objective_function, x0, sigma0, constraints=no_constraints, find_feasible_first=False, find_feasible_final=False, kwargs_confit=None, **kwargs_fmin):

optimize f with inequality constraints g.

constraints is a function that returns a list of constraints values, where feasibility means <= 0. An equality constraint h(x) == 0 can be expressed as two inequality constraints like [h(x) - eps, -h(x) - eps] with eps >= 0.

find_feasible_... arguments toggle to search for a feasible solution before and after the constrained problem is optimized. Because this can not work with equality constraints, where the feasible domain has zero volume, find-feasible arguments are False by default.

kwargs_confit are keyword arguments to instantiate constraints_handler.ConstrainedFitnessAL which is optimized and returned as objective_function attribute in the second return argument (type CMAEvolutionStrategy).

Other and further keyword arguments are passed (in **kwargs_fmin) to cma.fmin2.

Consider using ConstrainedFitnessAL directly instead of fmin_con2.

def fmin_lq_surr(objective_function, x0, sigma0, options=None, **kwargs):

minimize objective_function with lq-CMA-ES.

See help(cma.fmin) for the input parameter descriptions where parallel_objective is not available and noise-related options may fail.

Returns the tuple xbest, es similar to fmin2, however xbest takes into account only some of the recent history and not all evaluations. es.result is partly based on surrogate f-values and may hence be confusing. In particular, contains the solution with the best _surrogate_ value (which is usually of little interest). See fmin_lq_surr2 for a fix.

As in general, es.result.xfavorite is considered the best available estimate of the optimal solution.

Example code

>>> import cma
>>> x, es = cma.fmin_lq_surr(cma.ff.rosen, 2 * [0], 0.1,
...                          {'verbose':-9,  # verbosity for doctesting
...                           'ftarget':1e-2, 'seed':11})
>>> assert 'ftarget' in es.stop(), (es.stop(), es.result_pretty())
>>> assert es.result.evaluations < 90, es.result.evaluations  # can be 137 depending on seed


lq-CMA-ES builds a linear or quadratic (global) model as a surrogate to try to circumvent evaluations of the objective function, see link below.

This function calls fmin2 with a surrogate as parallel_objective argument. The model is kept the same for each restart. Use fmin_lq_surr2 if this is not desirable.

kwargs['callback'] is modified by appending a callable that injects model.xopt. This can be prevented by passing callback=False or adding False as an element of the callback list (see also cma.fmin).

parallel_objective is assigned to a surrogate model instance of cma.fitness_models.SurrogatePopulation.

es.countevals is updated from the evaluations attribute of the constructed surrogate to count only "true" evaluations.

See for references and details about the algorithm.

def fmin_lq_surr2(objective_function, x0, sigma0, options=None, inject=True, restarts=0, incpopsize=2, keep_model=False, not_evaluated=np.isnan, callback=None):

minimize objective_function with lq-CMA-ES.

x0 is the initial solution or can be a callable that returns an initial solution (different for each restarted run). See cma.fmin for further input documentations and cma.CMAOptions() for the available options.

inject determines whether the best solution of the model is reinjected in each iteration. By default, a new surrogate model is used after each restart (keep_model=False) and the population size is multiplied by a factor of two (incpopsize=2) like in IPOP-CMA-ES (see also help(cma.fmin)).

Returns the tuple xbest, es like fmin2. As in general, es.result.xfavorite (and es.mean as genotype) is considered the best available estimate of the optimal solution.

Example code

>>> import cma
>>> x, es = cma.fmin_lq_surr2(cma.ff.rosen, 2 * [0], 0.1,
...                           {'verbose':-9,  # verbosity for doctesting
...                            'ftarget':1e-2, 'seed':3})
>>> assert 'ftarget' in es.stop(), (es.stop(), es.result_pretty())
>>> assert es.result.evaluations < 90, es.result.evaluations  # can be >130? depending on seed
>>> assert es.countiter < 60, es.countiter


lq-CMA-ES builds a linear or quadratic (global) model as a surrogate to circumvent evaluations of the objective function, see link below.

This code uses the ask-and-tell interface to CMA-ES via the class CMAEvolutionStrategy to the options dict is passed.

To pass additional arguments to the objective function use functools.partial.

not_evaluated must return True if a value indicates (by convention of cma.fitness_models.SurrogatePopulation.EvaluationManager.fvalues) a missing "true" evaluation of the objective_function.

See for references and details about the algorithm.

def no_constraints(x):


all_stoppings: list =


use_archives =

speed up for very large population size. use_archives prevents the need for an inverse gp-transformation, relies on collections module, not sure what happens if set to False.

def _al_set_logging(al, kwargs, *more_kwargs):

try to figure a good logging value from various verbosity options

def _callable_to_list(c):

A callable is wrapped and None defaults to the empty list.

All other values, in particular False, remain unmodified on return.

def _pass(*args, **kwargs):

a callable that does nothing and return args[0] in case

_assertions_cubic: bool =


_assertions_quadratic: bool =


_CMASolutionDict =


_debugging: bool =


_depreciated: bool =


_new_injections: bool =
