module documentation

logger class mainly to be used with CMAEvolutionStrategy

Class CMADataLogger data logger for class CMAEvolutionStrategy.
Class Logger log an arbitrary number of data (a data row) per "timestep".
Class LoggerDummy use to fake a Logger in non-verbose setting
Function disp displays selected data from (files written by) the class CMADataLogger.
Function plot plot data from files written by a CMADataLogger, the call cma.plot(name, **argsdict) is a shortcut for cma.CMADataLogger(name).plot(**argsdict)
Function smartlogygrid turn on grid and also minor grid depending on y-limits
Variable __author__ Undocumented
Variable last_figure_number Undocumented
def disp(name=None, idx=None):

displays selected data from (files written by) the class CMADataLogger.

The call cma.disp(name, idx) is a shortcut for cma.CMADataLogger(name).disp(idx).


name of the logger, filename prefix, None evaluates to the default 'outcma/cma'
indices corresponding to rows in the data file; by default the first five, then every 100-th, and the last 10 rows. Too large index values are removed.

The best ever observed iteration is also printed by default.


import cma
from numpy import r_
# assume some data are available from previous runs
cma.disp(None, r_[0, -1])  # first and last
cma.disp(None, r_[0:int(1e9):100, -1]) # every 100-th and last
cma.disp(idx=r_[0, -10:0]) # first and ten last
cma.disp(idx=r_[0:int(1e9):1000, -10:0])
See Also
def plot(name=None, fig=None, abscissa=1, iteridx=None, plot_mean=False, foffset=1e-19, x_opt=None, fontsize=7, downsample_to=3000.0, xsemilog=None, xnormalize=None, addcols=None, **kwargs):

plot data from files written by a CMADataLogger, the call cma.plot(name, **argsdict) is a shortcut for cma.CMADataLogger(name).plot(**argsdict)


name of the logger, filename prefix, None evaluates to the default 'outcma/cma'
filename or figure number, or both as a tuple (any order)
0==plot versus iteration count, 1==plot versus function evaluation number
iteration indices to plot
if len(x_opt) == dimension, the difference to x_opt is plotted, otherwise the first row of x_opt are the indices of the variables to be plotted and the second row, if present, is used to take the difference.
customized semilog plot for x-values

Return None


cma.plot()  # the optimization might be still
            # running in a different shell

cdl = cma.CMADataLogger().downsampling().plot()
# in case the file sizes are large


Data from codes in other languages (C, Java, Matlab, Scilab) have the same format and can be plotted just the same.

See Also
CMADataLogger, CMADataLogger.plot
def smartlogygrid(**kwargs):

turn on grid and also minor grid depending on y-limits

__author__: str =


last_figure_number: int =
