module documentation

Search space transformation and encoding/decoding classes

Class AdaptiveDecoding base class for adaptive decoding.
Class BoxConstraintsLinQuadTransformation implement a periodic transformation that is bijective from
Class BoxConstraintsTransformationBase Implements a transformation into boundaries and is used in top level boundary handling classes.
Class ConstRandnShift ConstRandnShift()(x) adds a fixed realization of stddev * randn(len(x)) to the vector x.
Class DiagonalDecoding Diagonal linear transformation with exponential update.
Class GenoPheno Genotype-phenotype transformation.
Class Rotation implement an orthogonal linear transformation for each dimension.
Function margin_width1 return quadratic domain image width (1 + abs(bound)) / 20
Function margin_width2 return quadratic domain image width max(1, abs(bound)) / 20
Class _BoxConstraintsTransformationTemplate copy/paste this template to implement a new boundary handling transformation
def margin_width1(bound):

return quadratic domain image width (1 + abs(bound)) / 20

def margin_width2(bound):

return quadratic domain image width max(1, abs(bound)) / 20