Paper reference. Hansen (2019): A Global Surrogate Assisted CMA-ES. GECCO '19: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 664–672 [pdf].
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as below)
title={A global surrogate assisted {CMA-ES}},
author={Hansen, Nikolaus},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference ({GECCO})},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3321707.3321842}
%pylab widget
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
import cma
import cma.fitness_models
fun = cma.ff.rosen
x0 = 10 * [0.1]
sigma0 = 0.1
surrogate = cma.fitness_models.SurrogatePopulation(fun)
x, es = cma.fmin2(None, x0, sigma0, {'ftarget':1e-11},
callback=lambda es: es.inject([surrogate.model.xopt]) # not strictly necessary
(5_w,10)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=3.2,w_1=45%) in dimension 10 (seed=208382, Fri Jun 24 11:52:42 2022) Iterat #Fevals function value axis ratio sigma min&max std t[m:s] 1 5 1.479377036182326e+01 1.0e+00 8.87e-02 8e-02 9e-02 0:00.0 2 6 1.871070370715068e+01 1.1e+00 8.66e-02 8e-02 9e-02 0:00.0 3 7 3.322371402321090e+01 1.2e+00 8.53e-02 8e-02 9e-02 0:00.0 100 178 8.110580409919852e+00 6.3e+00 1.28e-02 5e-03 2e-02 0:00.6 200 280 6.758028196627963e+00 8.8e+00 3.87e-02 8e-03 3e-02 0:01.2 300 403 5.089204629827011e+00 1.5e+01 4.14e-02 6e-03 3e-02 0:01.8 400 522 3.904369724728823e+00 1.5e+01 3.93e-02 5e-03 1e-02 0:02.4 500 623 2.289953528925239e+00 1.6e+01 9.56e-02 5e-03 2e-02 0:03.0 600 729 1.255185350230613e+00 1.9e+01 1.80e-01 6e-03 3e-02 0:03.6 700 845 2.664262658579662e-01 2.6e+01 2.02e-01 3e-03 2e-02 0:04.2 800 955 2.634089853744132e-02 4.7e+01 1.88e-01 2e-03 3e-02 0:04.9 900 1069 5.902615654040821e-05 4.8e+01 2.19e-02 8e-05 2e-03 0:05.5 977 1177 9.904521572736270e-12 7.1e+01 8.73e-05 1e-07 5e-06 0:06.0 termination on ftarget=1e-11 (Fri Jun 24 11:52:50 2022) final/bestever f-value = 2.830974e-11 9.904522e-12 incumbent solution: [1. 0.99999986 0.99999988 0.99999984 0.99999984 0.99999962 0.99999929 0.99999861 ...] std deviations: [1.45985530e-07 1.42418465e-07 1.39364222e-07 1.43594760e-07 1.82665963e-07 2.89894862e-07 5.88953019e-07 1.16610064e-06 ...]
A more verbose code example for the same surrogate-based optimization:
import cma # to install the module: "pip install cma" or "pip install --upgrade cma"
import cma.fitness_models
fun = cma.fitness_transformations.Function(cma.ff.rosen) # to count proper evaluations
x0 = 10 * [0.1]
sigma0 = 0.1
es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x0, sigma0, {'ftarget':1e-11})
surrogate = cma.fitness_models.SurrogatePopulation(fun)
# surrogate = fun # without surrogate
while not es.stop():
X = es.ask() # sample a new population
F = surrogate(X) # see Algorithm 1 in the paper
es.tell(X, F) # update sample distribution
if surrogate != fun:
# the rest is bookkeeping
es.countevals = fun.evaluations # record only "true" evaluations
es.disp() # just checking what's going on
es.logger.plot() # plot in above figure
(5_w,10)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=3.2,w_1=45%) in dimension 10 (seed=129407, Thu Apr 16 10:31:14 2020)
Iterat #Fevals function value axis ratio sigma min&max std t[m:s]
1 5 1.051825097054228e+01 1.0e+00 9.46e-02 9e-02 1e-01 0:00.0
2 6 1.511256412052086e+01 1.2e+00 9.63e-02 9e-02 1e-01 0:00.0
3 7 1.431117668012353e+01 1.2e+00 9.50e-02 9e-02 1e-01 0:00.0
100 174 7.801168830152305e+00 6.4e+00 1.35e-02 6e-03 2e-02 0:00.4
200 277 6.689641772270440e+00 7.7e+00 1.96e-02 6e-03 2e-02 0:00.8
300 381 5.143203232106320e+00 9.2e+00 4.19e-02 8e-03 3e-02 0:01.1
400 523 3.654699875855813e+00 1.4e+01 7.28e-02 9e-03 3e-02 0:01.6
500 661 2.013631847120232e+00 1.5e+01 1.73e-01 1e-02 4e-02 0:02.0
600 781 9.237980850510487e-01 1.8e+01 1.41e-01 5e-03 2e-02 0:02.4
700 910 1.882447880758025e-01 2.7e+01 7.31e-02 2e-03 1e-02 0:02.8
800 1020 1.476851240155228e-02 5.1e+01 5.16e-02 7e-04 1e-02 0:03.2
900 1158 3.569407249208212e-07 7.6e+01 1.24e-03 8e-06 3e-04 0:03.6
942 1214 4.132932439385136e-12 7.3e+01 3.92e-05 2e-07 7e-06 0:03.8
import cocopp
qarch = cocopp.archiving.get('')
['CMA-ES__2019-gecco-surr.tgz', 'SLSQP+CMA_2019-gecco-surr.tgz', 'SLSQP-11_2019-gecco-surr.tgz', 'lq-CMA-ES_2019-gecco-surr.tgz']
cocopp.main(qarch.get_all('') + ['lmm-CMA']) # add any data from the "official" archive
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