module documentation

versatile container for test objective functions.

For the time being this is probably best used like:

from cma.fitness_functions import ff
Class FitnessFunctions collection of objective functions.
Function elli unbound test function, needed to test multiprocessor, as long as the other test functions are defined within a class and only accessable via the class instance
Function sphere Undocumented
Variable ff Undocumented
Class _F_0 return a "normalized" BBOB function, funID=1..24 when suite='bbob'.
Function _iqr Undocumented
def elli(x, cond=1000000.0):

unbound test function, needed to test multiprocessor, as long as the other test functions are defined within a class and only accessable via the class instance

def sphere(x):


ff =


def _iqr(x):
