class documentation

class AugmentedLagrangian(object):

Constructor: AugmentedLagrangian(dimension, equality)

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Augmented Lagrangian with adaptation of the coefficients

for minimization, implemented after Atamna et al FOGA 2017, Algorithm 1 and Sect 8.2,

cma.ConstrainedFitnessAL provides a (more) user-friendly interface to the AugmentedLagrangian class.

Input dimension is the search space dimension, boolean equality may be an iterable of length of number of constraints indicating the type for each constraint.

Below, the objective function value is denoted as f = f(x), the constraints values as g = g(x) <= 0, the penalties compute to penalties(x) = self(g(x)) = lam g + mu g^2 / 2 (if g > -lam / mu) for each element of g, as returned by calling the instance with g as argument.

The penalized "fitness" value f + sum(self(g)) shall be minimized. lam and mu are the Lagrange multipliers or coefficients.

An additional method, set_coefficients allows to initialize the Lagrange multipliers from data.

A short example (and doctest):

>>> import cma
>>> from cma.constraints_handler import AugmentedLagrangian, PopulationEvaluator
>>> m = 2  # number of constraints
>>> def objective(x):
...     return sum(x[m:]**2) + sum((x[:m] - 1)**2) - m
>>> def constraints(x):
...     return x[:m]
>>> es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(3 * [1], 1, {
...          'termination_callback': lambda es: sum(es.mean**2) < 1e-8})  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> al = AugmentedLagrangian(es.N)  # lam and mu still need to be set
>>> # al.chi_domega = 1.15  # is the new default, which seems to give better results than the original value
>>> # al.lam, = ...  # we could set the initial Lagrange coefficients here
>>> while not es.stop():
...     eva = PopulationEvaluator(objective, constraints)(es.ask(), m=es.mean)
...     al.set_coefficients(eva.F, eva.G)  # set lam and mu, not part of the original algorithm
...     al.update(eva.m['f'], eva.m['g'])
...     es.tell(eva.X, [f + sum(al(g)) for f, g in zip(eva.F, eva.G)])
>>> if es.result.evaluations > 3100:
...     print("evaluations %d !< 3100. 1500 is normal, 2700 happens rarely" % es.result.evaluations)
>>> assert 'callback' in es.stop()
>>> assert len(eva.feasibility_ratios) == m
>>> assert sum(eva.feasibility_ratios < 0) == sum(eva.feasibility_ratios > 1) == 0

Details: the input dimension is needed to compute the default change rate chi_domega (if chi_domega is None), to compute initial coefficients and to compare between h and g to update mu. The default dependency of chi_domega on the dimension seems to be however suboptimal. Setting self.chi_domega = 1.15 as is the current default seems to give better results than the original setting.

More testing based on the simpler ConstrainedFitnessAL interface:

>>> import cma
>>> for algorithm, evals in zip((0, 1, 2, 3), (2000, 2200, 1500, 1800)):
...     alf = cma.ConstrainedFitnessAL(cma.ff.sphere, lambda x: [x[0] + 1], 3,
...                                    find_feasible_first=True)
...     _ =
... = False
...     x, es = cma.fmin2(alf, 3 * [1], 0.1, {'verbose':-9, 'seed':algorithm},  # verbosity+seed for doctest only
...                       callback=alf.update)
...     assert sum((es.mean - [-1, 0, 0])**2) < 1e-9, (algorithm, es.mean)
...     assert es.countevals < evals, (algorithm, es.countevals)
...     assert alf.best_feas.f < 10, (algorithm, str(alf.best_feas))
...     # print(algorithm, es.countevals, ) #alf.best_feas.__dict__)
Method __call__ return list of AL penalties for constraints values in g.
Method __init__ use set_algorithm() and set_...() methods to change defaults
Method muminus2 provisorial function to correct mu minus condition, original is True
Method muminus3 return True if mu should be reduced, else False
Method muminus4 return True if mu should be reduced, else False
Method muplus2 provisorial function to correct mu plus condition, original is True
Method muplus3 return True if mu should be increased, else False
Method muplus4 return True if mu should be increased, else False
Method set_algorithm if algorithm not None, set it and return self,
Method set_atamna2017 Atamna et al 2017 parameter settings
Method set_coefficients compute initial coefficients based on some f- and g-values.
Method set_dufosse2020 Dufosse & Hansen 2020 parameter settings
Method set_m initialize attributes which depend on the number of constraints.
Method update f is a scalar, g is a vector.
Instance Variable algorithm Undocumented
Instance Variable chi_domega Undocumented
Instance Variable count Undocumented
Instance Variable count_calls Undocumented
Instance Variable count_g_in_penalized_domain number of times g induced a penality in __call__ since last update
Instance Variable count_mu_last_same_changes number of same changes of mu, -3 means it decreased in all last three iterations
Instance Variable counts Undocumented
Instance Variable dgamma Undocumented
Instance Variable dimension Undocumented
Instance Variable f Undocumented
Instance Variable F Undocumented
Instance Variable g Undocumented
Instance Variable G Undocumented
Instance Variable g_all all g-values from calling the class, recorded but not in use
Instance Variable g_history g-values from calling update
Instance Variable k1 Undocumented
Instance Variable k2 Undocumented
Instance Variable lam Undocumented
Instance Variable lam_opt Undocumented
Instance Variable logger_mu_conditions Undocumented
Instance Variable loggers Undocumented
Instance Variable logging Undocumented
Instance Variable mu Undocumented
Instance Variable mucdf3_horizon number of data to compute cdf for mu adaptation
Property count_initialized number of constraints with initialized coefficients
Property feasibility_ratios or bias for equality constraints, versatile interface may change
Property is_initialized Undocumented
Property isequality bool array, True if i-th constraint is an equality constraint
Property m number of constraints, raise TypeError if not set yet
Method _check_dtypes in case the user set the attributes
Method _init_ allow to reset the logger with a single call
Method _set_parameters set parameters based on the value of self.algorithm
Instance Variable _equality Undocumented
Instance Variable _initialized Undocumented
def __call__(self, g):

return list of AL penalties for constraints values in g.

Penalties are zero in the optimum and can be negative down to -lam**2 / mu / 2.

def __init__(self, dimension, equality=False):

use set_algorithm() and set_...() methods to change defaults

def muminus2(self, g, i, threshold=0.05):

provisorial function to correct mu minus condition, original is True

def muminus3(self, g, i, threshold=0.9):

return True if mu should be reduced, else False

def muminus4(self, g, i, threshold=0.9):

return True if mu should be reduced, else False

def muplus2(self, g, i, threshold=0.4):

provisorial function to correct mu plus condition, original is True

def muplus3(self, g, i, threshold=0.95):

return True if mu should be increased, else False

def muplus4(self, g, i, threshold=0.95):

return True if mu should be increased, else False

def set_algorithm(self, algorithm=None):

if algorithm not None, set it and return self,

otherwise return current algorithm value which should be an integer.

Values < 1 are the (new) default, 1 == Atamna et al 2017, 2 == modified 1.

def set_atamna2017(self):

Atamna et al 2017 parameter settings

def set_coefficients(self, F, G):

compute initial coefficients based on some f- and g-values.

The formulas to set the coefficients:

lam = iqr(f) / (n * iqr(g))
mu = 2 * iqr(f) / (5 * n * (iqr(g) + iqr(g**2)))

are taken out of thin air and not thoroughly tested. They are additionally protected against division by zero.

Each row of G represents the constraints of one sample measure.

Set lam and mu until a population contains more than 10% infeasible and more than 10% feasible at the same time. Afterwards, this at least...?...

def set_dufosse2020(self):

Dufosse & Hansen 2020 parameter settings

def set_m(self, m):

initialize attributes which depend on the number of constraints.

This requires the lam attribute to be None and deletes all previously set or adapted mu coefficients.

def update(self, f, g):

f is a scalar, g is a vector.

Update Lagrange multipliers based on Atamna et al 2017. f and g are supposed to have been computed from the distribution mean.

Details: do nothing if Lagrange coefficients lam were not yet set.

algorithm: int =


chi_domega =


count: int =


count_calls: int =


count_g_in_penalized_domain: int =

number of times g induced a penality in __call__ since last update

count_mu_last_same_changes =

number of same changes of mu, -3 means it decreased in all last three iterations

counts =


dgamma: int =


dimension =


f =


F =


g =


G =


g_all =

all g-values from calling the class, recorded but not in use

g_history =

g-values from calling update

k1: int =


k2: int =


lam =


lam_opt =


logger_mu_conditions =


loggers =


logging: int =


mu =


mucdf3_horizon =

number of data to compute cdf for mu adaptation

count_initialized =

number of constraints with initialized coefficients

feasibility_ratios =

or bias for equality constraints, versatile interface may change

is_initialized =


isequality =

bool array, True if i-th constraint is an equality constraint

m =

number of constraints, raise TypeError if not set yet

def _check_dtypes(self):

in case the user set the attributes

def _init_(self):

allow to reset the logger with a single call

def _set_parameters(self):

set parameters based on the value of self.algorithm

_equality =


_initialized =
