class documentation

Implements a transformation into boundaries and is used in top level boundary handling classes.


tf = BoxConstraintsTransformationAnyDerivedClass([[1, 4]])
x = [3, 2, 4.4]
y = tf(x)  # "repaired" solution
print(tf([2.5]))  # middle value is never changed
assert all([yi <= 4 for yi in y])
See Also
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method bounds_i return [ith_lower_bound, ith_upper_bound]
Method initialize initialize in base class
Method inverse Undocumented
Method shift_or_mirror_into_invertible_domain return the reference solution that has the same box_constraints_transformation(solution) value, i.e. tf.shift_or_mirror_into_invertible_domain(x) = tf.inverse(tf.transform(x)). This is an idempotent mapping (leading to the same result independent how often it is repeatedly applied).
Instance Variable bounds Undocumented
Method _index Undocumented
Method _inverse_i Undocumented
Method _lowerupperval Undocumented
Method _transform_i Undocumented
Instance Variable _lb Undocumented
Instance Variable _ub Undocumented
def __call__(self, solution_in_genotype):
def bounds_i(self, i):

return [ith_lower_bound, ith_upper_bound]

def inverse(self, solution_in_phenotype, *args, **kwars):


def shift_or_mirror_into_invertible_domain(self, solution_genotype):

return the reference solution that has the same box_constraints_transformation(solution) value, i.e. tf.shift_or_mirror_into_invertible_domain(x) = tf.inverse(tf.transform(x)). This is an idempotent mapping (leading to the same result independent how often it is repeatedly applied).

bounds =


def _index(self, i):


def _lowerupperval(self, a, b, c):
