class documentation

class DictFromTagsInString(dict):

View In Hierarchy

read from a string or file all key-value pairs within all <python>...</python> tags and return a dict.

Within the tags valid Python code is expected: either a list of key-value pairs [[key1, value1], [key2, value2], ...] or a dictionary { key1: value1, key2: value2, ...}. A key can be any immutable object, while it is often a string or a number.

The as_python_tag attribute provides the respective (tagged) string. The tag_string attribute defines the tag identifier, 'python' by default, and can be change if desired at any time.

>>> from cma.utilities.utils import DictFromTagsInString
>>> s = '<python> [[33, 44], ["annotations", [None, 2]]] </python>'
>>> s += '<python> {"annotations": [2, 3]} </python>'
>>> d = DictFromTagsInString(s)
>>> # now d.update can be used to read more tagged strings/files/...
>>> assert d.tag_string == 'python'  # can be set to any other value
>>> d.tag_string = 'pyt'
>>> # now 'pyt' tags can/will be read (only)
>>> assert str(d).startswith('<pyt>{') and str(d).endswith('}</pyt>')
>>> assert len(d) == 2 and d[33] == 44 and d['annotations'] == [2, 3]

When the same key appears several times, its value is overwritten.

Method __init__ for input args see update method.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method update only one of the first four arguments is accepted at a time, return self.
Instance Variable tag_string Undocumented
Property as_python_tag Undocumented
Method _eval_python_tag read [key, value] pairs from a list or a dict within all <self.tag_str> tags in str_ and return a dict.
Property _end Undocumented
Property _start Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

for input args see update method.

def __repr__(self):


def update(self, string_=None, filename=None, file_=None, dict_=None, tag_string=None):

only one of the first four arguments is accepted at a time, return self.

If the first argument has no keyword, it is assumed to be a string to be parsed for tags.

tag_string =


as_python_tag =


def _eval_python_tag(self, str_):

read [key, value] pairs from a list or a dict within all <self.tag_str> tags in str_ and return a dict.

>>> from cma.utilities.utils import DictFromTagsInString
>>> s = '<py> [[33, 44], ["annotations", []]] </py>'
>>> s += '<py>[["annotations", [1,2,3]]] </py>'
>>> d = DictFromTagsInString()
>>> assert len(d) == 0
>>> d.update(s)  # still empty as default tag is not <py>
>>> assert len(d) == 0
>>> d.tag_string = "py"  # set desired tag
>>> d.update(s)  # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
>>> assert len(d) == 2
>>> assert d[33] == 44 and len(d["annotations"]) == 3
_end =


_start =
