class documentation

class BestSolution2(object):

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minimal tracker of a smallest f-value with variable meta-info

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method update info may be a dictionary with everything we want to know, info_construct may be used to finalize versatile elements of info, like make a copy of an array within the info dictionary
Instance Variable count number of overall compared values
Instance Variable count_saved Undocumented
Instance Variable f Undocumented
Instance Variable info Undocumented
Instance Variable previous Undocumented
Instance Variable x Undocumented
def __init__(self):


def __str__(self):


def update(self, f, x=None, info=None, info_construct=None):

info may be a dictionary with everything we want to know, info_construct may be used to finalize versatile elements of info, like make a copy of an array within the info dictionary

count: int =

number of overall compared values

count_saved =


f =


info =


previous =


x =
